When you choose Shencorp Total Roofing Services, serving our loyal customers in areas of Virginia such as Winchester, Charlottesville, Waynesboro, and Richmond, you can expect durable and energy-efficient commercial protective roof coatings for a price you will love. We are dedicated to providing high-quality coatings to protect your roof.

So what are roof coatings, and why are they important? Roof coatings are made to protect roofs and to extend the life span of those roofs. Roof coatings can be applied on new roofs and on existing roof coverings like BUR, modified bitumen, metal, spray polyurethane foam, and single-ply membranes. Roof coatings are thicker than paint, and they are made of higher solids content than paint. They are made specifically to protect roofs from weather and the environment, including UV light, water, and wind. They are also made to protect roofs for many years.

Roof coatings are also very elastic, and they contain a high level of top-quality resin. When resins are high quality and are introduced during manufacturing, this allows the coating to maintain its elastic properties. After the resins are cured, they form an elastomeric and durable film. This creates an additional layer of waterproofing and lets the coating bridge small cracks and seams on roofs.

The most common types of roof coatings are made of asphalt, acrylic, silicone, and polyurethane. The benefits of roof coatings are numerous. One benefit of roof coatings is if they are applied to low slope roofs, this extends the life of the roof by preventing damage to the roof. Without water, chemical, or physical damage on a roof, this saves the building owner money. Sometimes roof coatings also provide an extra layer of waterproofing, which helps to keep inside buildings dry. Roof coatings are also the most effective way to help save energy use.

At Shencorp, we are dedicated to provide regional, industrial, and commercial roofing for the mid-Atlantic region. If you have questions about commercial roofing or roof coating, or you’d like to jump right in, give us a call today!