Roof Coatings | Commercial Roofing | Chesapeake, VA

When you choose Shencorp Total Roofing Services, serving our loyal customers in areas of Virginia such as Winchester, Charlottesville, Waynesboro, and Richmond, you can expect durable and energy-efficient commercial protective roof coatings for a price you will love....

Green Roofs | Commercial Roofing | Virginia Beach, VA

Green roofs are becoming more popular, especially in larger cities. What are the benefits of green roofing? Are there any disadvantages to installing a green roof? At Shencorp, we can help you understand different types of roofing. Shencorp Inc. is dedicated to...

Cool Roofs | Commercial Roofing | Virginia Beach, VA

At ShenCorp, Inc., we know how important it is to keep your home cool during the summer. Whatever your roofing needs, we are here to help! One way to reduce air conditioning costs is to install a cool roof. So, what is a cool roof? A cool roof reflects more sunlight...